April 26, 2009

Wales First Blitz Swansea!

Setting up stall outside a shop closed down by the incompotent policies of the UK government, the Wales First show rolled into Swansea this Saturday. Members leafletted the middle of town, and then went on to leaflet the Labour Party conference!
In both cases we recieved a warm and favourable response.

Swansea has always been a natural supporter of greater devolution, and the majority of members of the public, both young and old, thought that more powers seemed like a good idea. It was also interesting to note that strong support was to be found amongst trade union delegates and grassroots members of the Labour Party also.

Based on this good initial response, we aim to widen the net a little, and start leafletting the surrounding areas, including Llanelli and Neath Port Talbot. If you're free for a few hours over the next few months, why not give us a shout? Help us to build the broad base of popular public support we need to demonstrate that the Welsh public are ready for the next step - full lawmaking powers!


Leigh Richards said...

have to write that - being a veteran of the very close run '97 campaign - i was greatly heartened by the response of people in swansea to our leafleting yesterday. Those people who took a leaflet and who commnented were overwhelmingly supportive in their comments!

i would guess then that the good response in swansea yesterday was a reflection of the opinion polls, which are showing growing support among ordinary people in wales for more powers for the national assembly.

All the more frustrating then that with the campaign there for the winning there is as yet no signs of a so called 'official' Yes campaign being launched!!!

It would appear then that at present WalesFirst is the nearest thing to a yes campign we currently have!

Anonymous said...

Well done to everyone involved - now we need to mobilise elsewhere in Wales

Abertaweman said...

I'd like to thank my fellow Cymru Gyntaf / Wales First members who were at Welsh Labour's Conference in Swansea on Saturday afternoon giving out leaflets and chatting to delegates, unions and AMs/MPs. We had an amazing response, It was almost entirely favourable - only two people refused to take a leaflet! We think our response was so favourable because as we handed out our leaflet, We said "Stop Cameron! More Powers for our Assembly". It certainly focussed the minds and touched the nerves of Labour's rank-and-file and union activists. They are not stupid, they don't need a crystal ball to see what's in store for the people of Wales if we still have an impotent Assembly unable to adequately defend the people from Tory attacks on our society.

Our Blitz was extremely encouraging. These guys hold the key to us getting the referendum and winning it. They now know we are on their case and we will hold them to any promises they make. The following notable people got a Wales First leaflet today. It doesn't matter if they have gone over the leaflet with a fine-toothed comb or if it's gracing the bottom of a rubbish bin - THEY KNOW WE ARE OUT THERE!

Notable Recipients of leaflet:

Carwyn Jones AM, Counsel General
Carl Sargeant AM, Alyn & Deeside (Chief Whip)
John Griffiths AM, Newport East
Nia Griffith MP, Llanelli
Huw Jones AM, Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney
David Phillips - Labour Leader Swansea Council
Organiser for the Fabian Society in Wales
Betsan Powys, BBC Political Editor